Member Plus Terms & Conditions
1. Co-op Member Plus™
1.1 Co-op Member Plus™ (“Member Plus”) is a digital experience loyalty membership offered by Federated Co-operatives Limited (“FCL”) pursuant to these terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) made available through its participating member retail co-operative store locations and websites operating under the name of Co-op® (the “Participating Retailers”). For greater clarity, Member Plus is an extension and enhancement to the equity membership in a Co-op® association (“Co-op Membership”).
1.2 To obtain a list of Participating Retailers, which may change from time to time, please access the following page online at _____________. barcode at any participating Co-op Food stores.
1.3 These Terms and Conditions govern FCL’s relationship with members of Member Plus (collectively “Members” and individually a “Member” or “you”), including how Members manage their accounts, earn and redeem Member Plus points (“Plus Points”) with Participating Retailers.
1.4 These Terms and Conditions are in addition to the terms that apply to the Co-op Membership terms and conditions.
2. Join Co-op Member Plus™
2.1 To participate in Member Plus, you must create a Member Plus membership account (“Plus Account”) which can be accessed through the Co-op CRS mobile app found at (the “Website”). The methods for participating in Member Plus may change from time to time. The information provided by a Member shall be maintained in a personal preference profile within the Plus Account (“Account Profile”).
2.2 Member Plus is free and you do not need to buy anything to open a Plus Account. To participate, you must: (a) be a Canadian resident; (b) be 14 years of age or older and must obtain the consent of your parent or legal guardian if you are under the age of majority in the province or territory in which you reside and such consent is a requirement in the jurisdiction of your residence; (c) have a valid email address; (d) have a valid Co-op Membership number; (e) the name on the Plus Account must be your legal name; (f) not already be a Member; and (g) provide accurate personal information when enrolling. Member Plus is not available to corporations, businesses, charities, partnerships, enterprises or anyone other than an individual. FCL may deny enrollment into Member Plus to any applicant in its sole discretion and without written notice.
2.3 After your Plus Account is opened, a Plus Account number will be assigned to you (“Plus Account Number”). Upon receiving this Plus Account Number, you then become a Member and you are then eligible to earn Plus Points as further set forth in Section 3.
3. Earning Plus Points and Receiving Offers
3.1 There are several ways to earn Plus Points and receive offers, as set out below. (a) Personalized Offers: In order to receive personalized offers, Members must opt-in through their Plus Account to receive email communications from Participating Retailers and shop at a Participating Retailer for the items featured in the offer or complete a transaction described and pursuant to the terms and conditions of the offer. (b) Promotional Offers: From time to time, Plus Points may be awarded to Members on the purchase of certain products or on achieving predetermined purchase amounts pursuant to the terms and conditions of the offer. You may use your Card (as later defined) to take advantage of these offers, including those advertised in-store or through flyers.
3.2 To earn or redeem Plus Points, you may use a Member Plus device, such as a Member Plus plastic card or Member Plus mobile card made available through your Plus Account, that FCL may deem appropriate from time to time (each, a “Card”).
3.3 You are required to present your Card, your Plus Account Number, Co-op Membership number or other information as determined by FCL or a Participating Retailer at their sole discretion from time to time (collectively being the “Member Number”), prior to payment at a Participating Retailer in order to earn or redeem Plus Points. Plus Points will not be granted on previously completed purchases where a Member Number was not presented prior to payment.
3.4 Any Plus Points, offers and other services and programs are offered by FCL and the Participating Retailers (as applicable) and may be offered to all Members or any group of Members, as decided by FCL or the Participating Retailers (as applicable). Any offer may be time limited, and may contain additional terms and conditions, which will apply in addition to these Terms and Conditions. Further, such offers may be limited in quantities of products on which a Member may earn Plus Points. For example, an offer for additional Plus Points on the purchase of a particular product may state that a Member may only earn Plus Points for a single purchase of that product, or for a purchase of any other number specified in the offer. If you earn Plus Points in a manner not permitted by these Terms and Conditions, FCL may deem, in FCL’s sole discretion, that any such Plus Points may be invalid and FCL may cancel them, which will result in the removal of such Plus Points from your Plus Account.
4. Redeeming Co-op Member Plus™ Points
4.1 To “redeem” means to use Plus Points to partially pay for eligible purchases by using your appropriate Member Number at the point of sale at Participating Retailers and following the instructions and limitations provided by the cashier, the point-of-sale terminal or other payment processing device. You can redeem Plus Points you earn for eligible purchases (see section 5 below for exclusions), or for any other purposes of which FCL or a Participating Retailer may advise you from time to time.
4.2 Plus Points have no cash value and are not exchangeable for cash. Except as permitted from time to time by FCL, Plus Points cannot be assigned, exchanged, purchased or given by gift. Plus Points cannot be sold, traded, bartered, rented or otherwise disposed of. Plus Points are void if sold for cash or any other consideration.
4.3 Members must redeem a minimum of 2,500 Plus Points at a time, which are worth $5 in rewards at Participating Retailers. If a Member wants to redeem more than 2,500 Plus Points at one time, the Member must redeem them in increments of 2,500 Plus Points, each increment being worth $5 in rewards at Participating Retailers. You may not be able to redeem Plus Points for the payment of taxes at Participating Retailers. For example, if the amount of your purchase eligible for redemption at a Participating Retailer is $32 before tax, the maximum Plus Points you can redeem is 15,000 for a rewards value of $30, and then pay the remaining $2 in cash or with an acceptable payment method.
4.4 FCL may change the minimum redemption amount or redemption increments at any time, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
4.5 The maximum value of Plus Points a Member may redeem in one transaction is at the sole discretion of FCL and Participating Retailers.
4.6 On occasion, FCL or Participating Retailers, may offer you redemption offers at certain Participating Retailers, or for particular products or services, such as an increase in the value of Plus Points or a lower minimum redemption amount. There may be additional applicable terms and conditions that accompany such offers.
4.7 Plus Points do not expire. However, FCL reserves the right to close your Plus Account without notice if you do not earn or redeem any Plus Points at least once every 2 years or for any reason set out in these Terms and Conditions. If your Plus Account is closed, for any reason whatsoever, you will forfeit all accumulated Plus Points. FCL may at its sole discretion reinstate all or part of your forfeited Plus Points back to you if you reactivate or create a new Plus Account that belongs to you.
5. Earning and Redemption Exclusions
5.1 Plus Points cannot be earned or redeemed for any of the following: (i) taxes; (ii) the purchase of tobacco, lottery tickets, or alcohol, (iii) deposits (e.g., a water bottle deposit, as it is not a purchase), (iv) gift cards, prepaid card products and wireless or long distance phone cards, (v) transit tickets and passes, event tickets and post office transactions; (vi) passport photos, (vii) cash back, (viii) gifts with purchases, (ix) delivery charges (where applicable), (x) purchases made through non-participating licensed merchants located within or adjacent to Participating Retailers, (xi) any other products or services that may not legally be offered in connection with Members Plus, including pharmacy-related transactions in certain provinces (see below for more information about pharmacy-related transactions), or (xii) any other products or services that FCL may specify from time to time or where prohibited by law. Members Plus may permit you from time to time to earn or redeem Plus Points in certain jurisdictions for some of the products and services listed above on a time-limited, promotional basis or otherwise, where permitted by law.
5.2 The laws applicable to the earning and redeeming of Plus Points on prescription, medication and other pharmacy or health care-related products and services vary in each province. Other limitations may be imposed by prescription plans. Please see your pharmacy at a Participating Retailer to learn whether Plus Points can be earned or redeemed on these types of products and services and whether any limitations or restrictions apply.
5.3 Plus Points are not earned on the portion of a transaction that is being paid for by redeeming Plus Points. Plus Points you earn upon making a purchase cannot be redeemed for that purchase and can only be redeemed for a subsequent eligible purchase.
6. Other Earning and Redemption Rules
6.1 Unless a Points Pooling group is created (as later defined), in any one transaction, Plus Points may only be earned on a single Card, and may only be credited to a single Plus Account.
6.2 At the sole discretion of FCL or Participating Retailers, Plus Points may also be redeemed for purchases made through delivery services by Participating Retailers provided that you inform the store at the time when the delivery order is placed that you wish to redeem a specified number of Plus Points and provide the store with your Member Number. You may be asked to present your Card or provide your Member Number to the driver for validation at the time of delivery.
6.3 If you return a purchase, your Plus Account balance shall be reduced by the number of Plus Points earned for that purchase at FCL’s sole discretion. If a refund or correction is applied to your Plus Account, your Plus Account balance will be adjusted up or down by the number of Plus Points related to the refund or correction, as applicable, and your Plus Account balance may become negative. Upon the return or exchange of purchases earned through the redemption of Plus Points at Participating Retailers, all redeemed Plus Points will be credited back to your Plus Account and the Member will receive the cash value originally paid.
6.4 FCL’s records of the number of Plus Points earned, redeemed or deducted are deemed accurate. If you have a concern regarding your Plus Account balance, you must contact FCL and provide relevant evidence within 60 days from the relevant transaction date to report any discrepancy. If we do not hear from you within 60 days, it means you agree with FCL about those Plus Points.
6.5 Occasionally, through specified offers by Participating Retailers, you may be awarded additional Plus Points (or other rewards, prizes or benefits) for using a Card or being a Member where such Plus Points will be recorded to your Plus Account pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
6.6 Plus Points are redeemable at Participating Retailers within 24 hours of when the Plus Points were originally earned. Your Plus Points balance is only visible through your Plus Account. Your Plus Points balance at any specific time may not reflect your current Plus Points balance according to FCL’s records. To the extent permitted by law, FCL and Participating Retailers accept no liability for any errors in the Plus Points balance displayed in your Plus Account, any website, email, mobile app or other method. If any Plus Points are awarded to your Plus Account in error, FCL reserves the right to deduct the number of Plus Points awarded in error at any time and without notice to you. FCL is not obligated to honour a request to redeem Plus Points added to a Plus Account in error. Plus Points will not be awarded if in FCL’s reasonable opinion the products purchased will be used for resale or commercial use and any Plus Points awarded on such purchases shall be forfeited. FCL and Participating Retailers reserve the right to limit Plus Points awarded with respect to any offer to reasonable household quantities. If a Member was awarded Plus Points for an offer in which a Member purchased product in excess of reasonable household quantities, the Plus Points awarded as a result of that offer may be forfeited without prior notice.
6.7 FCL is not responsible for any errors that may occur in the sending or loading of offers or if there is a delay in sending or loading offers. FCL is not obligated to honour a request to earn or redeem Plus Points that were not earned or redeemed due to an error or delay in the sending or loading of offers.
6.8 If your Card is lost or stolen, and your Plus Account permits, immediately turn off redemption capabilities for that Card. Otherwise, please contact FCL to turn off redemption capabilities for your Card. You are responsible for all redemptions on your Plus Account, including any redemptions made on your Plus Account before the turn off redemption capabilities was selected or any redemptions made on your Plus Account as a result of unauthorized access to your Plus Account, such as due to a failure to safeguard your password.
6.9 Except as otherwise permitted in these Terms and Conditions, you are not permitted to transfer your Plus Points to another Member. Plus Points are not divisible in the case of divorce or equalization of family property.
6.10 You may donate your Plus Points to charities that FCL may specify from time to time, through your Plus Account online.
6.11 If a Member closes their Plus Account, for any reason whatsoever, their Plus Account will be closed and any Plus Points will be forfeited.
7. Co-op Member Plus™ Points Pooling
7.1 “Points Pooling” is the process by which a group of Members having a personal or family relationship agree to pool their Plus Points into a single balance for the purposes of both earning and redemption.
7.2 To participate in Points Pooling, a Member can invite any friend or family member to join by logging into their Plus Account and following the prescribed steps. The Member who first creates the Points Pooling is the “Administrator”. Only the Administrator can invite Members to join the Points Pooling group. There can only be one Administrator per Points Pooling group. A maximum of 10 Members may be part of a single Points Pooling group. In order to join a Points Pooling group, an individual must have or create an online Plus Account and agree to join the Points Pooling group. You can only be part of one Points Pooling group at a time.
7.3 When you join a Points Pooling group, all of your past and future Plus Points in your Plus Account are pooled with the points of all Members in the Points Pooling group. Any Member of a Points Pooling group may, at their sole discretion, redeem any or all of the Plus Points that are held by Members in the Points Pooling group, including Plus Points that were earned by other Members of the Points Pooling group. Each Points Pooling group Member is solely responsible for discussing the redemption of Plus Points with the other Points Pooling group Members. FCL accepts no liability for any losses suffered by a Points Pooling Member as a result of another Points Pooling Member’s redemption of Plus Points.
7.4 When a Member of a Points Pooling group redeems Plus Points, the Plus Points shall be deducted in a first in and first out method, meaning that the oldest Plus Points in the Points Pooling group are used first.
7.5 A Points Pooling Member can use their Plus Account to view the total balance of Plus Points that are available to Points Pooling Members as well as a history of each Pooling Points Members Plus Point transactions, which may include Plus Points earned, devices used in transactions, location of transactions, type of transactions including the types of products and services purchased, date of transactions, total value of transactions, and offers for which Plus Points were redeemed or earned.
7.6 Once the Administrator invites a Member and they accept the invitation to join a Points Pooling group, that Member can be removed from the Points Pooling group by the Administrator for any reason whatsoever. Further, at any point, you are free to leave the Points Pooling group by logging into your Plus Account and following the prescribed steps. Once you have been removed or left the Points Pooling group, you will receive the Plus Points that remain in your Plus Account as at the time that you leave. If the Administrator leaves the Points Pooling group, the Points Pooling group is dissolved and each Member of the Points Pooling group shall receive the Plus Points that remain in each Member’s Plus Account as at the date the Points Pooling group is dissolved. Once you have been removed or left a Points Pooling group, you are free to join or form another Points Pooling group or continue using your Plus Account as an individual.
8. Changes to Co-op Member Plus™
8.1 Except as otherwise expressly prohibited by law, FCL may at any time amend, restrict, terminate, suspend, modify or supplement any aspect, term or condition of Member Plus including all or one or more parts of these Terms and Conditions, at any time with or without notice, even though such changes may affect the value of Plus Points or the ability to earn or redeem Plus Points (collectively the “Changes”). Members are responsible for remaining knowledgeable of these Terms and Conditions and Changes. A Members continued participation in Member Plus will constitute a Members acceptance of any such Changes.
8.2 FCL will endeavour to provide you notice of any Changes by posting the amended Terms and Conditions online at _____________________, and by sending you notice using your email or mailing address. In the event that the Change entails an increase in your obligations or a reduction in FCL’s or the Participating Retailer’s obligations and you do not agree to such amendment, you may close your Plus Account and cancel your participation in Member Plus without cost or penalty. You will then have 30 days to redeem any Plus Points in your Plus Account. Any Plus Points that are not redeemed after 30 days shall be forfeited.
9.1 By opening a Plus Account and using your Card, you (or your legal guardian as the case may be) agree that: (a) you have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions; and you have read and accepted the terms of FCL’s Website Privacy and Data Use Policy which terms are incorporated by reference herein; and (b) you have reviewed and understand FCL’s Privacy Policy which can be accessed on FCL’s website at or by contacting FCL’s privacy officer at and that you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information by FCL, the Participating Retailers, and their authorized third-party agents and licensees in accordance with the practices described in FCL’s Privacy Policy.
9.2 The personal information a Member provides to FCL when creating a Plus Account and/or redeeming Plus Points is processed in accordance with FCL’s Privacy Policy. Communication of relevant information is important to administering Member Plus and providing each Member with the opportunity to maximize the benefits of Member Plus. Member personal information will only be disclosed to: FCL, person(s) authorized by the Member; Participating Retailers, Service Providers and Affiliates (as defined in FCL’s Privacy Policy); and marketing companies that provide content, advertising or functionality services to FCL. Member personal information will, in each case, only be used and disclosed for one or more of the following purposes: 1) to register and create your Pus Account; 2) to operate and manage the Member Plus program; 3) to better service the Plus Account and the Member’s preferences by keeping the Member informed of their Plus Account status and activities through printed or electronic statements; 4) to assess a Member’s entitlement to benefits; 5) to collect and process Member charges incurred at the Participating Retailer’s facilities; 6) to communicate and to offer a Member additional products, services, programs and promotions; and/or 7) to send periodic satisfaction or market research surveys. FCL or a Participating Retailer may also otherwise use your personal information with your consent and direction. FCL may also provide aggregated information, and data with personal identifiers removed, to third parties to describe how Member are using the Member Plus program and services.
9.3 Member Plus communications will be sent to a Member in accordance with their communication preferences as selected in the their Plus Account. Members must keep their contact information current. FCL shall not have any responsibility for misdirected or lost communications of any kind or any consequences thereof.
9.4 FCL and Participating Retailers may also send Members promotions, offers and other communications from time to time. Members may change personal details and communications preferences at any time in their Plus Account.
9.5 Members can review their Plus Points balance and transaction history and update personal information and preferences in their Plus Account profile maintained on the Website. A user name and password are required to access the Website.
9.6 Members who are the primary holder of their Co-op Membership number may also review their equity statement pursuant to the terms and conditions of their Co-op Membership.
10. Limitation of Liability, Failure of Internet and Force Majeure
10.1 FCL, the Participating Retailers, any other third party that may from time to time participate in Member Plus (whether as a participant or in an administrative, operational or other capacity), the successor and assigns of each of the foregoing, and the directors, officers, employees and agents of any of the foregoing (collectively the “Releasees”) are not liable for any harm due to a Member’s participation in Member Plus or any failure of the Website, including without limitation, liability for any expense, loss, cost, injury, damage, accident or any other matter whatsoever, however suffered or caused (including direct, compensatory, incidental, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or exemplary damages or damages for loss of income or profits), directly or indirectly arising out of or related to Member Plus, or by reason of the termination of or amendment to Member Plus in whole or in part, or other benefits or features with or without notice.
10.2 To the extent permitted by law, by participating in Member Plus, you (and your parent or legal guardian on your behalf, as the case may be) agrees to release and hold harmless the Releasees from any claim, liability or damage related to participation in Member Plus, including without limitation any claims arising from or related to the receipt of any Member Plus benefits.
10.3 Releasees are not liable for any problems or technical malfunction of a telephone network or lines, Members’ spam filters, computer online systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, or failure of any electronic message or Internet service. Releases are not responsible for any technical problems, traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to any computer, program, or other property related to or resulting from participating in or downloading any material relating to Members Plus or otherwise accessing the Website. FCL reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without limitation, to cancel or suspend Members Plus should a virus, bug or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of FCL corrupt the security or proper administration of Member Plus. Any attempt to deliberately damage any website or to undermine the operation of Member Plus is a violation of criminal and civil laws, FCL reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law, including by criminal prosecution.
11. General
11.1 Unauthorized reproduction of any Card is prohibited and can result in legal prosecution. All Cards belong to FCL and may be revoked at any time at FCL’s sole discretion.
11.2 You are responsible for protecting and keeping secure your Plus Account, Member Numbers and any password or security questions used in connection with Member Plus.
11.3 FCL reserves the right to sell or transfer all or part of Member Plus to a related company or to a third party, to merge with another entity or to engage in any form of corporate, reorganization or financing transaction. In addition, the manner in which Member Plus is provided to you and the organizations providing offers in connection with Member Plus may change.
11.4 If any of the information you were required to submit when you registered for Member Plus (such as your name, mailing address, email address or phone number) has changed, you must let FCL know immediately by updating your information in your Plus Account. FCL is not responsible if we cannot contact you because you have not provided current and accurate information.
11.5 FCL may, at any time, suspend or cancel your participation in Member Plus, if, in FCL’s view, you have abused any Member Plus privilege, failed to follow these Terms and Conditions, or made any misrepresentation to FCL or to any entity associated with or participating in Member Plus. In the event that your participation in Member Plus is cancelled, all accumulated Plus Points in your Plus Account may also be forfeited and removed from your Plus Account.
11.6 FCL’s failure to exercise any of its rights, powers or remedies in these Terms and Conditions or at law, or any delay in doing so, does not constitute a waiver of those rights, powers or remedies. The single or partial exercise of a right, power or remedy does not prevent its subsequent exercise or the exercise of any right, power or remedy.
11.7 Words in the singular form shall be construed to include the plural and vice versa, unless the context otherwise requires, and the word “including” means “including but not limited to”. Any dollar amounts referenced in connection with Member Plus or these Terms and Conditions are referenced in Canadian dollars.
11.8 All decisions regarding the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be at the sole discretion of FCL and shall be final and binding in all respects, subject to applicable law.
11.9 Each of the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions is distinct and severable and a declaration of invalidity or unenforceability of any such provision or part thereof by a court of competent jurisdiction will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of these Terms and Conditions.
11.10 These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between Members and FCL regarding Members’ participation in Members Plus and Members’ entitlement to any benefits. Except as expressly contained in these Terms and Conditions, there are no conditions, representations, warranties, by FCL, express or implied, statutory or otherwise.
12. Governing Law
12.1 These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the province of Saskatchewan and the federal laws applicable in Saskatchewan, without reference to conflict of laws provisions.
My Account
Personal Information
Account Settings
You can change which email address you use to sign into the Co-op app.
By changing your email, you will be signed out. You will have to verify your new email address to access your account again.
Passwords may be updated at anytime. To change your password, you will be required to enter your current password before setting the new one.
By changing your password, you will be signed out. You will have to sign back in with your new password to access your account again.
You may have your Co-op account deleted at any point.
Deleting your Co-op online account removes all information collected about you when you signed up.
If you choose to delete your online account, your ability to log in on other Co-op channels and receive communications will be impacted.
Deletion of your online account relates solely to your online profile. Your Co-op membership and information stored at local Co-op associations will not be impacted.